Independent Meditation Center Guide

"You think that you can only establish true practice after you attain enlightenment, but it is not so. True practice is established in delusion, in frustration."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Lotus Meditation Center
2908 University Avenue
Grand Forks,  North Dakota   58202
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 701 777-4231
Fax 701.777.4773
Center's Description
Lotus Meditation Center has been established as a sacred space of peace and quiet. Members of the University and Greater Grand Forks community are welcome to leave their shoes at the door as is the tradition, sit quietly and relax. As an inclusive place, persons of all faiths -or none- are equally welcome.

LMC is dedicated to contemplation and traditional meditative practices. In addition to individual contemplation, LMC will be used for group meditation with instructions/teachings and occasional lectures and retreats supportive of traditional meditative practices, some of which may be religious in nature.

Religious proselytizing and conversion efforts are prohibited.

All activities are open to the public and will be held in the spirit of mutual understanding and harmony.

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