Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Mindfulness practice is very forgiving. It beckons to us to start over again, time after time after time, without judging us for the times we haven't managed to remember to drop in on ourselves."
Mark Williams, The Mindful Way through Depression.

Davis Insight Meditation Group
Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis
27074 Patwin Road
Davis,  California   95616
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Theravadan / Insight
URL www.davisinsightgrou...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Center's Description
We are a lay Buddhist meditation and study group. We have been meeting regularly since 1994. Generally, we follow a Theravadan practice but all are welcome and will find a comfortable environment for following their Buddhist practice. There is a sitting meditation for 30 minutes, 10 minutes of walking meditation a peer led Dharma discussion and tea / conversation time. Meditation instruction available weekly.

Zafus and zabutons are available.

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