Independent Meditation Center Guide

"When we become detached from things, everything will be ours."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Kuluta Buddhist Centre
182 Wellington St.
Kingston ON,  Ontario   K7L 3E4
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Kadampa Buddhism
URL www.meditateinkingst...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 613-544-1568
Center's Description
Kuluta Centre is a Kadampa Buddhist meditation Centre located in the heart of downtown Kingston that offers meditation classes, workshops, study programs and retreats. The Kuluta Centre is a place for cultivating peace, a place for people of like minds to meet, and above all, a place of spiritual refuge in the downtown core. The wide variety of classes offered by the centre are for everyone - Buddhist and non-Buddhist - and we believe anyone who comes along will receive great benefit.
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