Independent Meditation Center Guide

"Don't strive for some special state of mind. There is no special state of mind. If you strive for some special state of mind you'll only disturb your mind."
Steve Hagen, Buddhism Plain and Simple.

Blooming Desert Lotus Sangha
7320 West Bell Rd
Glendale,  Arizona   85302
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
URL www.bloomingdesertlo...
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 623 570-9008
Center's Description
This Sangha has been formed in order to offer those who wish, the opportunity to learn to live in mindfulness. We will use the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, poet, peace activist, teacher and author of over 30 books, including The Miracle of Mindfulness and Peace Is Every Step.

We meet every week. We practice both sitting and walking meditation. We learn the Five Mindfulness Trainings of the Order of Interbeing and discuss how they relate to us. We learn to use gathas or mindfulness verses (as described in the books Present Moment, Wonderful Moment and Stepping Into Freedom), to assist us in preserving our mindfulness throughout our daily lives.

We have a lesson or Dharma Talk by one of our members or a guest speaker each week, as well as a Dharma Discussion, during which time mindful listening and loving speech will be practiced. Once every month, we take part in a Mindful Meal . This is vegetarian in nature, allowing each member of the Sangha to bring one warm or cold, plate/bowl of food to be shared by the group. These can be the most simple of offerings (this is not a cooking contest - a bowl of plain white rice is perfectly acceptable and welcome). This not only gives all of us an opportunity to share offerings with each other, but the practice of eating mindfully is extremely beneficial to our bodies as well as the world around us.

The color green has been chosen as a visual gatha. Green is the color of foliage, growth and life. It may remind us of our most precious Earth. As part of our practice is mindful consumption, we can use the presence of this color to keep us mindful of our environmental responsibilities. Sangha members are invited to dress in a calming shade of green. If it is a subdued tone, it will not be a distraction to anyone during meditation, but instead be a bell of mindfulness to each other.

Each member will be asked to take an active role within the Sangha. This includes planning and facilitating weekly lessons and activities. Each petal of the lotus is essential to the growth, beauty and the stability of the flower. Each member of our Sangha is just as important.

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