Independent Meditation Center Guide

"You think that you can only establish true practice after you attain enlightenment, but it is not so. True practice is established in delusion, in frustration."
Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So.

Albuquerque Zen Center
2300 Garfield S.E.
Albuquerque,  New Mexico   87106
(For best directions, please ask the center.)
Zen - Rinzai
Email Click to contact via e-mail
Phone 505-268-4877
Center's Description
The Albuquerque Zen Center offers daily practice and study opportunities to anyone interested in the many ways of knowing Zen Buddhism.

Founded in 1989, the Center has grown with Albuquerque's growing interest in Zen. It has formalized its organizational structure, instituting a board of directors and a system of regular monthly contributions from members. It has also explored the concept of sangha (community) - bringing members together regularly in work and social settings, as well as for zazen.

In 1997 a new zendo, meeting room, and library were built. In these quiet spaces, students can take time from the noise and complexity of their lives to participate in zazen, instruction group discussion, and individual study.

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